Move with Electricity

Imagine using existing infrastructure to cost-effectively serve growing EV-charging demand. Done.

Bringing predictability, flexibility, and smart energy management to the grid,® helps EV fleets and utilities manage their electricity usage more efficiently than ever before possible.

Turn complexity into harmony

Using modern analytics,® provides a holistic understanding of all electrical use. (Which means what exactly?)
It means now you have the power to proactively manage all constrained assets, defer infrastructure investment, and optimize energy costs in ways you never had before.

Projected number of Electric Vehicles on U.S. roads by 2030

Estimated cost to replace aging transmission lines by 2050


High-voltage transmission capacity increase needed by 2030

Fleet Application

Save money while maintaining customer satisfaction. Let us show you how.

With®, the ability to analyze daily electricity requirements, identify operational flexibility, and coordinate charging needs against utility and market conditions improves profitability and customer satisfaction. Also known as win-win.

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Grid Application

Combining critical information from legacy systems lets you do three huge things.

It lets you model the market down to the individual. It lets you quantify and forecast EV charging needs. And, it allows you to leverage insights across every piece of the energy ecosystem.

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Market Application

Tie together EV fleet, utility, and market opportunities while enabling access to new revenue streams via emerging wholesale and grid service markets.

By creating a direct link between energy demand, resource procurement, and scheduling, you can minimize overall costs, while matching renewable generation to EV needs and facilitating resource aggregation for ancillary services.

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Achieve seamless integration

When you drive intelligent energy delivery, you extract value across the entire energy ecosystem.

Which, in turn, facilitates the cost-efficient transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy and decarbonized transportation. Which is where everything is going these days.

EV Fleet Owners® analytics help your fleet coordinate charging needs against utility and market conditions. It also happens to be the key to extending your fleet’s management capabilities and daily operations.

And that’s where® is a game changer. By facilitating maximum value extraction for EV fleets today, EV Fleet owers/operators can better prepare for the next phase of customer participation in the energy markets.

Utilities® allows utilities to analyze EV charging information from external and internal sources to identify, characterize, quantify, forecast, and model breaks. Before they break.

Running silently behind the scenes,® provides managed-charging for each EV — from one transformer to the entire grid. Saving your utility time and reducing maintenance costs. (So, you have more of the former and less of the latter.)


By providing a detailed view of all your charging stations and government-owned fleets,® lets you manage EV charging demand more effectively. Period.

So, you save money for your tax base. Reduce dependence on carbon asset help to meet robust ESG goals. And, keep your entire municipality running smoothly.

Market Aggregators

Tap into the only system-of-systems with modern analytics to extend the reach of your marketplace.

With®, you can intelligently manage market demand, distribution, usage, and stakeholders across generation, transmission, markets, and the grid edge in front of and behind the meter.

Our customers

Let’s build a better tomorrow. Together.

Our network of partners is here to help invent, plan, and construct resilient EV systems. And, they’re really looking forward to meeting you.

Electric Vehicles OEM Partners® creates the opportunity for OEMs to provide asset optimization services for their products. Long after customers drive their vehicles off the lot.

Tariff optimization, demand-charge management, and ancillary service value captured through aggregation and bulk system support-products are just a few of the high-value cases our platform enables and brings to life.

Advisory Firms

You want predictability, flexibility, and smart energy management. We deliver.

How? By enabling fast, reliable, and cost-efficient EV adoption. By having a deep understanding of how to use smart energy management to improve capacity, assess vulnerability, and achieve demand flexibility and predictability. And by employing a modern analytics platform to extend existing enterprise applications that is significantly easier and less expensive to integrate than large scale distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS).

Join us on this mission® is continually looking for new ways to drive intelligent energy delivery and use for a world that moves on electricity.

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